The following community businesses have graciously donated to the Urban Debate League tournaments during the 2004-05 school year. We would like to recognize them for their support and unwavering committment to our program and the students we serve. Thank you!
Individual Donors:
Richard W. Alexander
Rosalie and Stephen Antupit
P.W. Austin
Philip L. Bell & Judith M. Ruha
JJ Cadiz & Robin Buckmiller
Brian Calvert
R.G. Carlson
John R. Crane
David & Barbara C Dansky
William E. Deforeest, Jr. & Britt-Marie Deforeest
Sara E. Elward
Eleanor G. Fitzhugh
Richard D. Horton
George & Chris Lee
Lisa Moore
Laurie & Ken Myer
Pacific Maritime Title
Cheryl B. & Josef C. Piha
Marilyn S. Smith
Lori E. Smith
Gail Trotter
David & Joyce Veterane
Jennifer Wengeler
Jerome D. Whalen
Penny Lewis & Greg Wineland
Jerry C. & Nancy G. Worsham
West Seattle H.S. Novice Scrimmage October 23, 2004
Admiral Way Safeway
Easy Street Records and Cafe
PCC Natural Markets, West Seattle
Garfield H.S. UDL Tournament #1
November 6, 2004
23rd and Jackson Starbucks
Capitol Hill Safeway
Magic Dragon Chinese Eatery
Papa Murphy's Pizza
Subway Sandwiches
Chief Sealth H.S. UDL Tournament #2
November 19-20, 2004
Albertsons, White Center
Roxbury Safeway
Viva Mexico Restaurant
Westwood Village QFC
West Seattle H.S. UDL Tournament #3
December 11, 2004
Caffe Ladro
Domino's Pizza
Easy Street Records and Cafe
Fauntleroy Starbucks
Thriftway, West Seattle
Zatz Bagels
Special thanks to The Bagel Deli on Capitol Hill for donating enormous quantities of breakfast bagels to three of our spring season tournaments.
We love our donors - thank you all for a great year!